Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

vendredi, novembre 11, 2011

My choice for the leader of NDP: Brian Topp

The tragical death of Jack Layton puts the topic of his succession to the position of leader of the party. Several candidates have announced their candidature since september in direction of the activists.
I don't have the same very precised sight as my Canadian and Quebecker comrades, because I'm not being at every moment in the "Canadian bath". Nethertheless, I could have analysed the candidatures and I have made this constate: I prefer Brian Topp.
First of all, who is Brian Topp? He was before the disappearing of Jack, the president of the NDP. Brian was born in Longueil in Québec, in 1960, from a francophone mother and a anglophone father. He's working in the cultural environments of the cinema in Ontario. He has been adviser of Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow, then adviser of Jack Layton, leader of the party.
In June 2011, he is chosen for being president of the party by Jack Layton.

What are the qualities of Brian Topp?:
he knows well files of Canada and Canadian politics/policies thus he has worked for two big leaders whose the national leader of the party, who was in measure to be prime-minister.He speaks perfectly French and knows well Québec, because he has studied there. This is a real asset, as it is needed to enter in contact with Quebecker and Acadian populations. It is right that he is not still a MP, but Jack Layton has begun as leader without being MP, until push the party to its major sucess in May 2011.

If Brian Topp, but this is the same for all the candidates, is elected by the activists , he would have to continue the led and defended policy by Jack Layton, a real policiy of defence of social rights, for families, for education, health, access to affordable and quality housing, fighting for stabilised and well paid jobs, redistributed growth, ecology.
But,equally,what Brian Topp can understand, is to be in vibration with the key question and the wishes of the Quebecker nation and to be sure that the French language be protected and that the Bill 101 be recognised as federal rank-law. To make realise the linguistic independence of Québec. This what the main part of Quebeckers are waiting for. That's at least. Then they're free to decide to be sovereign or not, after a referendum. And a socialist and so internationalist (NDP is member of the Socialist Internationale)has to recognise freedom of peoples to decide by themselves. What Jack Layton recognised.
At last, Acadian revendications will have to be developed and further protected, inside Canada.

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