Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

mardi, avril 19, 2011

Federal elections in Canada: for finding at last a common vibration between the two brotherly countries, Québec and Canada

On May 2nd, following the dissolution of the Canadian House of Commons, Canadian citizens will be asked to renew the major part of the federal parliament. Four main competitors are in contention: Stephen Harper, current Prime Minister from the right side(Conservative), Michael Ignatieff center right (Liberal), Jack Layton as socialist from the New Democratic Party and Gilles Duceppe on the left side and in faour of sovereignty (Bloc Québécois).
We note by the way that none of the four major parties has a woman as leader of a list.
This article is also an open letter to Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe, representatives of both my favourites parties , if I had to vote in Canada.
Indeed these two parties are on the left side in order to propose a set of North American for progress and openness. However there is considerable disagreement, the famous Federalist prism opposite to that of the sovereign. Indeed, only the Bloc Quebecois, the federal representative of the Parti Quebecois, wants an independent Quebec.
Quebecers and other francophones more experienced since the XVIII°th century domination, often expressed by force: the Great Acadian Upheaval is actually a deportation of the Acadians from Acadia produced by outside British authorities, the repression of the rebellion of the Patriotes of Quebec led by Louis-Joseph Papineau in 1837, the summary execution of Louis Riel in 1885 because he wanted to defend the francophones, the ban on bilingual education in Manitoba in 1890; Besides the renunciation of federal power to deal promises to Quebecers: the Charlottetown Agreement in 1871 did not follow a autonomous Quebec as expected or the Meech Lake Meeting in 1990, has buried the will of Quebecers not to give 'carte blanche' to the Canadian constitution.
The language issue is an essential foundation of the will of Quebec independence, land in an ​​English speaking ocean.

I turn first to Mr. Gilles Duceppe.
Mr. Duceppe, you will proudly represent many Quebeckers to pursue their own path toward sovereignty. However, you can not adopt an attitude that sometimes recalls the attitude of Flemish parties against parties in Wallonia and Brussels. An attitude characterised by a certain exclusion. When you say you're not Canadian, that Canada is not your country. It's not quite true. Canada was born during the New France's period, the nations of Canada (Quebeckers, Acadians, Aboriginals, Britons) has had a common history since the mid- XVIII°th century, a often painful and humiliating history for the French Canadians and the indigenous but still even a common history. Sometimes, we have the impression that you put all the English speakers in the same bag. This can hurt the brothers talking in good faith and who believe in progress and self-determination of peoples.
During your speech at the XVIth Congress of the Parti Quebecois, you attacked unfairly Jack Layton and the NDP. Jack Layton has shown respect for the Quebec nation by insisting on the right of Quebecers to self-determination and denouncing the strong ambiguity of the scandalous Dion referendum law . Jack Layton is like you a socialist, an advocate of progress and workers. It's really going against your socialist camp. For the Bloc Québécois and the mother party the Parti Quebecois are indeed socialist parties. I also hope, as such, the Parti Quebecois will soon enter in the Socialist International. The brother party, the NDP is already inside the Socialist Internationale. I am surprised that the Bloc Québécois does not block Francophone provinces in trying to enforce the rights of French Canadians, a multifaceted nation has the right both in Quebec and "British" Canada to exist and enjoy its rights. I hope that for the next federal elections, there will be candidates in the two other provinces with the highest number of French Canadians: Ontario and New Brunswick.
The purpose of sovereignty is also proposing Quebec citizenship to francophones who want even "above ground", however much we would not consider that Canada does not belong equally to French Canadians.
I hope with all my heart a victory next Pauline Marois in the National Assembly and a realisation of the sovereignty of the Quebec nation.

Then I go to Mr. Layton said John Gilbert "Jack" Layton
You are the representative of a party that truly defends human dignity, the right of workers and shows you a true intercultural awareness, far beyond the simple cliché of "communities", you have within you the universal.
I know it is not easy to think otherwise than in the Quebec province of Canada, especially since I know it's not easy to convince your colleagues who speak English or Canadian citizens on why the need of Quebecers for sovereignty . Don't worry, this can not be a goodbye or a farewell full of sadness, when you look at the links between French Canadians and British Canadians. Sovereignty is necessarily an e sovereignty-association, resulting from the brilliant idea of ​​Rene Levesque, who lived in Acadia, who is not afraid of English speaking people. Her Bill 101 has never squizzed the rights of English-speaking Quebecers. Sovereignty-association will be like the brother who takes another room not far from the sister to have his secret garden.
Many things will remain in common: economic cooperation, currency and military cooperation. I'm even sure that Quebec will help the rest of Canada to reach a social State, the "real welfare State." This will be the equivalent of the European Union in Canada, a Canadian Confederation which will include Canada (probably a republic) and Quebec, working with both the NAFTA and with the European Union.
Obviously this preparation for sovereignty will not be a snap shot of the finger, but tis will be prepared and coordinated. The first step is probably true autonomy with recognition of Quebec's exclusive jurisdiction of Québec regarding language issues.
Canada and Quebec are indeed two brotherly countries (such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia).
I sincerely hope that you'll be the next Prime Minister of Canada.

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