Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

samedi, avril 23, 2011

Comparison of the two election platforms of Bloc Quebecois and the NDP

The program or platform, of the Bloc Québécois is more detailed (150 pages) than the New Democratic Party which made 30. These are two complementary views: the precision of a row and will mark the key points.
On social and economic issues, we are dealing with similar programs.

The Bloc Québécois proposes including social and economic
-Reform employment insurance (UI) so it benefits more people
-Help seniors live at home by a parent or caregiver
-Raise domainspensions
-Increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement
-Provide a public program of social and affordable housing with the precision of public management
-Support through federal research and development in sustainable domains, and high quality production
-Lowering the federal intervention to 300 million dollars leve when there is a foreign company buying a Canadian company, with a guarantee of jobs, wages and pensions

The same thing with the New Democratic Party, except that it does not specify whether housing should be managed by the public and the federal intervention for a purchase abroad is lower at 100 million dollars level. The NDP also states that communities should be public hearings with foreign firms purchasing, a sign of democratic transparency, to ensure proper social treatment of employees and retirees of the company.

The Bloc Québécois is more accurate on two strategic points of the Quebec economy: aerospace, to promote Ontario as much as the automobile and the arsenals of Davie shipyards to revive, and the need for renovation of ports. Finally the Bloc insists on the need for a true partnership with the European Union.

The NDP says that the tax on SMEs should be lowered from 11% to 9%, increased development in Northern Ontario (FedNor with the agency) and premium cuts for creating nearly 200,000 jobs.

Overall, NDP wants to re-instaurate the federal minimum income,suppressed in 1996 by the Liberal Party.

The Bloc Québécois is more precise on the regional development including forest production areas which have to be supported, after the current crisis lasts Since 2005 and help the favoring of economic diversification. As well as transportation, a lengthy development work is done on the development of local airports (helping), the high-speed Montreal-Quebec City-Windsor. A strong point is approached Canadian Post, Canada Post, which noted the decline in service and closure of branches in rural areas. It is requested that we return to a higher location, as in 1994 and an outright rejection of privatisation.

The family aspect and health are more developed in the platform of the New Democratic Party: Plan in consultation with provincial child care and early education, federal transfers to provinces to reduce university costs. We would have liked the timing of the move towards free higher education.
Control of bank charges on credit cards, the combination of child benefit and child care, the combined parental assurance-emploi/congé, reducing the cost of medicines in consultation with the provinces, the Federal support for training of doctors and nurses, in ordet to help the provincial programs for education on healthy eating.

For the ecological level, the NDP wants to make Canada an example in reducing greenhouse gases and move towards a market quota of continental gas emissions (Canada / USA), transportation fund by an extra cent on essence, public funds for research while the Bloc insists on aid for ecological housing , hybrid cars or electric ones and of course research and development.

The Bloc Québécois believes that Quebec's economy is unique and has interests opposed to those in Canada. With the West, yes, but not with the Acadia and Ontario. It is noted that the NDP includes part of the Quebec model response and family coverage. These are two socialist parties.

The Bloc Québécois much emphasis on cultural competence to give Quebec, along the reminder on Quebec sovereignty, the need to promote the Québec films , to ask what each position of the federal public service is a bilingual person whose judges and Bill 101 (Charter of the French Language) is the only linguistic reference in Quebec for the life and work, without the Court of Canada has to intervene.
As the NDP, the Bloc Québécois is asking that the CBC &and Radio Canada have more representatives of French-Canadian.
The NDP wants one can choose his language so if a family decides to keep the French in education is a fimperative ederal law i to be respected, if necessary revise the law on official languages ​​for minorities, that means mostly francophone minorities and a true representation and understanding of French at the Supreme Court. The Bloc Québécois more precises its language program and this is more protective for the Quebec nation.

It should be noted that two lines are devoted by the Bloc Québécois and the national and inguistic questions regarding the French Canadian and Acadian(regular federal funding agencies). The Bloc Québécois talks very few about a federal perspective, which is normal, with its name.

The linguistic identity and federal recognition of the Charter of the French Language of Quebec as a constitutional charter exclusively for Quebec is necessary pending the Québec Constitution.
Request to reconsider the laws of Manitoba, ... which have abolished bilingual education compulsory for all.
Recognise the Acadian nation as well as the Quebec nation with its own law 101 (thus creating the 11th province of Acadia, in northern New Brunswick.
I would add the creation of a linguistic community and institutional confederation of French Canadians, like what exists in Belgium, which would put all the French Canadians under the protection of the Quebec Charter of the French language

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