Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

dimanche, février 27, 2011

The hope / " Al °Amal" in the arabic-speaking countries and Iran

The dictatorships give us the effect to fall or at least to vacillate one after the other, on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea. Sure this won't occur in two or three months, besides in all the countries of the region but we have to admit that it is about an "irresistible earthquake". The fear does not choke any more the peoples of these countries and the Tunisian click plays the role of epicentre of the shock wave. Egypt one month later followed itself then maintaining Libya. The immediate current event in Libya makes fear and know that Kadhafi bombards the populations is choking. Let us hope that it settles rather fast, because this day, we already speak about several thousand deaths.
Without wanting to mix everything, it seems that we have quite elements to speak about crime against humanity, it reminds attacks by massive weapon of the Kurds of Iraq by Saddam Hussein.However the hope appeared to me, this evening, in the newspaper of France 2, by seeing this Libyan woman organizing, in a kind of room of the congresses in Benghazi, the debates of the after Kadhafi. The whole in impeccable English. Who said that the Arabic peoples were uncultivated, subjected etc.? We are in front of more and more polyglot peoples, computerized, educated, base as a matter of fact for the development. The democracy stayed, which about 14 years after a report(relationship) of the UNDP, was the last necessary link for the real development. The development sustainable or bearable as we say (the social aspect includes naturally the freedom). The democracy thus brings the economic development and not the opposite. The dictatorship it is automatic the submission and the lead screed.
Too much knowledge represents for these dictatorships the most redoubtable poison.

We come to the beginnings of these revolutions and riots:Iran . In 1979, the revolution against the shah was repressed by mollahs fanatical about the absolute power. 2010 will have sounded the knell of the confidence in the regime. Even the more modest and often more conservative populations, which still supported the regime, do not support it any more, because disgusted by the immense corruption of mollahs. Now the regime bet completely on the education, including the girls, in to see them majority to the university. This long process has begin in 1998 with the election of Mohamad Khatami in the presidency. The population is by far, from Tunisia, the most secularized by the region. The young people swear only by the United States or Germany, the Russian or French literature.
These countries seem to build a balance between democracy and Islam, freedom of which that of the customs and continuation on the Turkish model. Challenge of sizebut completely possible for all the countries of the region.
And see three bordering countries (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt) freed or on the brink of being freedn we begin dreaming about an embryo of Arabic common market, where the Tunisian tertiary sector, the money of the Libyan oil and the situation of moving plate of Egypt would draw a completely complementary trio.

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