Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

mercredi, mars 28, 2012

Thomas Mulcair, the new leader of New Democratic Party: how I lived the Congress on TV

I have expected this Congress for several months. The Toronto Congress for the leadership race of the NDP. When I saw the delay of more than six months, I found it long. This has been a little bit, but this has allowed the NDP to move from 90,000 to 130,000 members. The nine then eight then seven candidates have toured Canada.
They know more about the party across the country, they debated publicly, at different times in different cities including one in Québec and once in Montreal. One issue that was central, except to replace the irreplaceable, Jack Layton, who died tragically from cancer, August 22, 2011, was the level of French-speaking candidates.
Indeed of 102 MPs-won, in a beautiful "orange wave", 56 deputies are Quebecers, we must keep what made the success of the party in May 2011, the representation of Québec and Quebecers. This party, this is true is federalist, had the long Anglo-Saxon prism, like all federal federalist parties, has turned a corner in May 2011: assert French pride. This has annoyed the Bloc Québécois, which rose to 4 members.
So Friday night, I could watch on channels broadcast the speech. This was focused on the personality, the candidates after 6 months of stroke (in both senses!) Were tired. Nathan Cullen's voice was hoarse, for example. However, the candidates we have presented the best of themselves, so original (Charlie Angus who sang on a rap music for his candidate Paul Dewar, Martin Singh who presented an animated video with the style of South Park!)
Still a great advert for the party!
My favorite moment, it made sense, was for my candidate: Brian Topp, makes a good speech and who had the good taste to choose the Arcade Fire as music theme! On the evening, was presented a very moving tribute to Jack, by his children, his sister and of course his wife Olivia Chow, MP for a Toronto neighbourhood. The aim was to show that Jack was still here, we were like his own children and that his gift was to strengthen the party, ready to win in 2015.
On Saturday, the votes finally arrived: it lasted all day, it was very long, moreover, there was a hacker attack that slowed down the system for Internet voting. It took 12 hours and everyone on the edge of the aplopexia about who was the leader!
There were four rounds, while three more were expected towers. Paul Dewar, was placed in a bad position from the start (he was fifth on seven, while he had strong support) in the 2nd round, Peggy Nash, popular activist, seasoned defendant in the unions could not go in the third round.
Reached the third round with Nathan Cullen, the British Columbian, surprise of Congress, was thought far off the mark, a little off (very ecologist defendant and especially a preferential agreement with the Liberal Party, leaving spaces for nominations ), but his style very relaxed, very friendly, à la Jack, has earned numerous credits. He and Niki Ashton (quadrilingual 29-year MP of Manitoba) were detonated and showed that the party of young vigorous shoots. A great hope for the future of the party!
Nathan could not reach the fourth round. Remained the two favorites: Brian Topp and Thomas Mulcair, the two Quebec francophones, resembling but having focused their campaign a little differently.
Thomas Mulcair on election strategy: adapting pragmatically to the ground: do Saskie in Saskatchewan, Quebecker in Québec, Ontarian in Ontario ... and Brian Topp who has focused on equality and greater including taxation, inspired by François Hollande in France.
Thomas Mulcair had the disadvantage of appearing "too feisty", is nicknamed the "Grizzly": could have he scared Canadians?! However, with the great advantage of being one of the most experienced members of the caucus.
Brian Topp had the disadvantage of not being MP, therefore seen as somewhat distant and just not enough known.
Brian was part and party activist for 25 years. However this gave him a considerable advantage, namely maneuver, it was he who helped Jack to take better root in Quebec, to bring Thomas Mulcair and Françoise Boivin to the party.
In the end, most happening time and one felt that Thomas would win, because the parliamentary advantage has become a priority: Thomas House, is directly opposed to Harper, cutting the grass to the fact that Pauline Marois to National Assembly of Québec.
I of course was extremely disappointed at the time, I had invested morally for Brian and I have been proud, but you learn from defeats. In addition the unit and ready to party victory is the largest. It is the spirit of Jack flying above us, one to talk to people to beat the conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who had an absolute majority. It is true that we must make gains in the west tend to become Americanised, while the old Canada, New France (Québec, Acadia) or the European Victorian Canada (Ontario) understand less and Alberta least.
Thomas Mulcair has several challenges, however, he managed essentially that of collecting, he immediately made his assistants: Brian, Peggy, Nathan, Niki, Paul and Martin; he kept Libby Davies as deputy House leader, then she had valiantly supported Brian Topp. Thomas has 3.5 years to prepare for the victory, it is both much and little, because it is the challenge to form the first NDP government in history, 145 years after the founding of the federation in Charlottetown. Go Thomas!

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