Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

dimanche, janvier 05, 2020

Mon adresse au Premier-Ministre australien Scott Morrisson (par son courriel primo-ministériel, son compte Twitter et sa page Facebook)

Dear Sir Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia,

Hello from France Mr Prime Minister of Australia,Sir Scott Morrison.

I'm called Pierre-Marie Chevreux, I'm 35, I'm a French teacher in history and geography in the secondary level. I'm really affected as many world citizens by the great fires in Australia these last months and days.

I would like to tell you that the statu quo of coat production and maintaining it is an enormous error.
I know, though, coat is important for the economy of Australia but it is crystal clear that climate change acts too heavily on the country for not willing to change.

Please do like Norway which has declared it will stop its oil production ! (So stopping of the coat production, within the 5 years maximum and planning an energetic and economical-ecological transition).

The money of coat has to serve the now and future invests in renewable energy/economy/new processes of industries, Mister Prime Minister , as the Norwegian oil money is going to serve this new kind of economy.

Courage Sir and Mister Prime Minister
Best regards
Pierre-Marie Chevreux

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