Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

dimanche, septembre 09, 2012

After the elections in Québec

These elections from Québec of September 4th, 2012 delivered all their surprises and their expected moments. What can we think of the state of the strengths in Québec and in federal, after these elections?
Here is an editorial of my invoice and my personal analysis of the election:

First of all, it is necessary to be satisfied at the victory of the Parti Québécois, even if it is a minority government with 54 seats on 125. Pauline Marois will bring his experience and his different approach, more inclusive with people, which is different from the attitude of the beaten Prime Minister, Jean Charest (Liberal Party of Québec). The arrival of the PQ really represents the alternation, after 9 years of PLQ.
The PLQ makes all the same 50 seats and chases unless 1 % (around 31 %) the PQ, the outgoing and beaten party remains well and numerous Ministers were elected again in the National Assembly. Clearly this vote marks a refusal of a new referendum in the short term, at least and puts the focus on the economy and the employment.
The PLQ and Jean Charest weighed down the debt of about 30% more and was able only to limit the effect of the crisis. Certainly the Canadian shield of the dollar and the British-Colombian and Albertan economies allowed to limit the damage, but it is only a screen, because it is not the economy of Québec, the 9th economy of the country on 10 provinces.
The challenge of the employment, in particular for the youth and to end the precarious contracts will be the priority n°1 of Québec these next years.
Québec Solidaire made the breakthrough of the election, cetes with only about 6,5 % and two seats, but it strengthens its position of both speakers of the party, Amir Khadir and Françoise David. The clarity  of the social democrat project, its ambition and its more pragmatic aspect, a different approach of the linguistic question (in professional domain in particular) allowed a beautiful score in particular in Montreal (besides three other candidates who played well their cards).

It is true that Québec Solidaire and Option Nationale have an approach  which  makes much more "XXI st century" of the sovereignty, a participative initiative with a constituent Assembly and the fact that this new left, marked well as social-democratic of left accepts finally the fact that the English speakers of Quebec, if independence there is, will make the sovereignty and will be a national minority of the hypothetic Republic of Québec.
So, it seems logical seen the importance of the English-speaking persons, as Montreal, Ungava and Nunavik ( two native territories) will have two local official languages: French and English
Pauline Marois will have to opt thus completely for the gathering because the balance of the power, it is good in the PLQ and with the Coalition Avenir Québec ( 19 seats) that it is.
This truce, during one year or one and a half year more, at the constitutional level is welcome, many Quebeckers, indeed feel themselves as a nation, but it necessarily does not go as far as asking for the independence.
The Scottish people are very proud of them, the same way as Quebeckers. They are at first the Scottish nation within Great Britain. Why it could not be the same thing in Québec? I make the bet that after 252 years of cohabitation with the English speakers and soon, in 2017, after 150 years of Canadian federation, the Quebeckers will look for the stability, the identity is already there with Quebec with French-speaking majority. The Bill 101 represents well this anti assimilation shield even if there are certainly still things to do, if only to apply better the Bill 101 to the professional level.
Furthermore, so much in 1995, there was a context of the humiliation of the failure of the lake Meech and the refusal afterward of Meech, by referendum of the agreement of Charlottetown (1993) , who showed a strong annoyance of the Quebeckers to the federal power which laughed at the agreement and at the implication of the Quebeckers; as well as an economic period prospers; so much, there Québec is not so strong any more by itself economically compared with the rest of Canada, in the United States and sure the booming east Asian countries.
To allow the sovereignty (my preference goes to maintain Québec inside Canada), it is to make sure at first that Quebec is n°1 in Canada, that Montreal will be more dynamic than Toronto and what it  will compete with New York or with Los Angeles.

At the federal level, federal conservative Prime-Minister Stephen Harper will have to accomoder of a sovereignitist party, but both actors: Stephen Harper and Pauline Marois will walk very precautiously. Mrs Marois can not 'brew the cage'-as say Quebeckers- at the constitutional level because it will be the Assembly which will brew his and Stephen Harper is unpopular in Québec, with only 4 members of Parliament in the House in Ottawa.
Thomas Mulcair, leader of the social democratic party, the New Democratic Party, is preparing the federal election for 2014-2015 and is there although the government is minority. Thomas Mulcair will have to demonstrate that he has an economic and social project for Canada, that he listens to ALL the provinces and that he represents a bridge, as Quebecker, between Québec and Ottawa.

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