Je suis de gauche depuis l'enfance.Je suis membre de la CFDT depuis 2008.

mardi, juin 23, 2015

Proposal for a 'New South' flag (USA)

After the terrorist slaughter of Charleston, we all arrive to the conclusion that the Confederate flag can not anymore represent the 'Old South', as first the CSA were based on the acceptation of Slavery and then because this Rebel State has been created on the idea of Treason of the United States of America and separatism.

Nevertheless, yes there is one Southern identity, and it is normal that there is one. But this is not just WASP identity, but for sure also African American one, Amerindian one, Creole one (mixing of all) and with other influences (Spanish one, all the migrant cultures,...).

So one gathering symbol is needed. Which one? Cotton flower , of course! And one approach: Peace, Love and gathering, so with the help of Peace and Love Symbol.
Colours? Simple: the traditional one of the USA, blue, red and white which are from the British Union Jack, plus black for African American and green for others and Nature.

This is the 'New South flag':